I inherited my great grandmother’s 1911 Schiller baby grand piano when my mother moved into an assisted living apartment in Oklahoma City. It was in very poor playing condition but it looked OK on the outside. I didn’t really want to have a non-playing decoration and was apprehensive about the cost of restoration. There are no piano restoration services where I live in west Texas, so I researched DFW and OKC. I called Bruce Piano and got a thorough evaluation of what needed to be done (a lot!) and a surprisingly low cost estimate. Bruce Piano was to pick up the piano in Oklahoma City, restore it, and then arrange for delivery to Midland, Texas. As the restoration unfolded, Jordan sent detailed photos and descriptions of what was being done. To my surprise, Jordan delivered the piano to Midland himself with his customized trailer. I have never heard that old piano sound and look this good. This old family heirloom is ready for the next 100 years thanks to the Bruce team!
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