Teacher in Oklahoma City

Phone: (405) 751-7760
Email: [email protected]
Years Experience: 37
Ages: Any

In 1979, Mark Schwartz established Super Key Music Studios, which grew out of a need for quality instruction that specializes in “Pop” music styles. Pop is sometimes dismissed as being less “serious” music. From the protest songs of the “60s” to the party anthems of today, there’s no other music that captures our emotions, in good times or bad, better than pop. So whether your hearts in country, soul, rock or R&B you’ve found your place at Super Key. Mark felt that combining traditional music techniques with the current pop idom, would give students the tools they need to compete in the ever-changing music industry.

In the beginning Super Key only offered music instruction, but Mark progressively transformed the studio into a full-service recording facility. At present the studio is equiped with the latest digital and analouge technology, from software to hardware. Thus allowing the student or recording artist a nurturing enviornment with hands on experience.

Whether you’re coming to Super Key for a brush-up on technique or creating a major recording project. Super Key is here no matter what stage of development you’re in – beginning or advanced and offers a pleasant enviornment for developing your musical abilities.